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1、我的电话号码 My phone number 查找一个电话号码 Looking up a phone number 移动电话号码 Mobile Telephone Number 电话号码的英语例句 1 Do you have an address and phone number for him?你有他的地址和电话号码么。

2、将her改为 hers更好,因为of是介词,后面接名词,所以,用名词性的hers更恰当。

3、中文意思是这个用英语怎么说这是一个电话号码也可以读作What do you call this in English? This is a phone numberwhat#39s 英 w#594ts 美 w#594ts词典 尤当 has 为助动词时,what is。


5、1接使用官方提供的下载链接下载,或者到电脑浏览器百度搜素推特下载 APK再发送到我们手机上安装2下载完成之后我们安装,这个时候如果打开出现的是空白的页面3可以再我们的应用商店安装一个加速器4下载完成之后。

6、What is their phone number? 就可以了 Their phone number is 7如果都有自己的号码,该用 What are their phone numbersTheir phone numbers are 6 and A#39s phone number is , and B#39s。

7、n手机蜂窝式便携无线电话,大哥大复数 cellphones例句1He forgot the charger for his mobile phone他忘了带手机充电器2The mobile phone is now a musthave for children手机现在已经成了孩子们的。


9、work until your bank account looks like a cell phone number 工作到您的银行帐户,看起来像一个手机号码 词典结果work 英w#604k美w#604rkvt vi使工作 使运作 操作 使产生效果n。

10、mobile phone number 手机号码移动电话号码手提电话号码 例句 1What#39s your mobile phone number?你的手机号码是多少2The reporter dials this quot Doctor Zhang quot mobile phone number, say to decorating a。

11、cell phone number 是手机号码 cell名词 n C1单人牢房,小囚房 The prisoner was locked in a cell那囚犯被关在单人牢房内2修道院的单人小室 3生细胞 Human brains have more than 100 million cells。


12、BYour name and your cellphone number, please?您的姓名和手机电话号码?AMy name is Li Ming, phone number is 139XXXXXX我叫李明,手机号码是139XXXXXXBWhen do you want this service?什么时候要车?A。

13、because getting a phone number now is almost always fully automated Pretty soon, you won#39t have to take the trouble of making eye contact at the food store some stores are using a selfscanner so that。

14、my original phone number is cancelled,i will give you my new number as soon as i buy new mobile。

15、Trading Account ID Number 交易帐号 credit account card number 记帐发报凭证号码 3具体例句如下Validation isavery common use of regular expressions, for anything froma phone number to aZIP code to a。


16、作后缀词意思是表示“声音”或“说 语言的人”相关例句用作名词n1What#39s your phone number?你的电话号码是多少2I nearly smashed the phone in fury盛怒之下,我差点把电话机砸碎。



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