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1、predecessor 英#712prid#618ses#601r美#712pred#601ses#601rn前任,前辈原有事物,前身古祖先 例句Lefkofsky had some stern words for his cofounder and predecessor quot莱夫科。

2、predecessor 英#712prid#618ses#601r 美#712pred#601ses#601rn 前任,前辈 原有事物,前身 lt古祖先网络 前任 前驱 前身例句He maintained that he learne。


4、前任一般指关系或职位,而非职业如my ex泛指前任伴侣包括男女朋友夫妻关系等,而在职位上加上前或前任则指已经退出此职务或领导岗位的掌权者,如前市长前局长前机构负责人前总裁等值得注意的是前及前任的。

5、紧前活动的英文是Immediate Predecessor,有时也会被译为直接先趋块或者紧接前项活动,通常指正在进行的某项活动前的先决活动,在逻辑上有非常严格的先后次序例如,你必须在铲平土壤先行活动之后才能开始播种后继活动。

6、He is working hard to excel his predecessors 他正在努力超越他的前任He excels in painting 他擅长绘画做英文表格用英文怎么说Make a spreadsheet in excelpredecessor 前任,前辈 spreadsheet 电子表格 全称是。

7、“重蹈覆辙” 比喻不吸取失败的教训, 重犯过去的错误,英语可翻译如下~follow the tracks of an overthrown chariot ~share the fate of its predecessor fall into a rut ~follow the same old disastrous road。


9、ancestor n A person from whom one is descended, especially if more remote than a grandparent a forebear祖先,祖宗繁衍后代的人,特别是远于祖父辈前辈 A forerunner or predecessor前人,先驱先行者或先驱 La。


10、operating company 营业公司, 自营公司 company 5kQmpEnin一群, 一队 交往的人 客人 同伴, 陪伴 交际, 交往 公司, 商号 军连 全体船员 聚会, 集会, 社团 in the company of 在陪同下 He。

11、比如说which one you like best在宾语从句中,它更多的就是表示选择 意为哪一个3在本句话中,which用法用错了应该删去后面的her,变成which predecessor 代替her predecessor在从句中做主语的成分,代指her本句。

12、4 His style could scarcely be further removed from that of his predecessor他的风格几乎和他的前辈如出一辙5 Don#39t think it hasn#39t torn me apart to be away from you不骗你,离开你让我痛苦万分。

13、“室友”的英文不是flatmate,flatmate的意思是合住公寓套间者“室友”的英文是roomie1读音英 #712ru#720mi #712r#650mi 美 #712ru#720mi,#712r#650mi2表达意思住在。

14、carry on a predecessor#39s task and make a great success of itfollow up with greater achievements 继承前人的作为而使之更美好 踵武 zhǒngwǔ follow in others’ footstepsfollow suitimitate 踩着前人的。

15、7It seems that the Far East Games and West Asia Games were the predecessor of the Asian Games看来,远东运动会和西亚运动会就是亚运会的前身了8Jeff It seems that the Far East Games and West Asia。

16、selfcheck是自我检查自校验自检查的意思例句 1 He has never exhibited the selfconfidence, bordering on arrogance, of his predecessor 他从未表现出他前任的那种近乎傲慢的自信2 I felt so selfconsc。



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