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[telegraphing翻译]view in telegram翻译


1、英语很简单又直白,Telegraph marketing mail 翻译成电报行销邮件,通常叫邮件网路行销手法。


3、超时空转换Telegraphing troops arriving in 5,4,3,2,1,Reinforcements have arrived! 传送部队到达倒记时5,4,3,2,1,援军到达! 任务版 闪电风暴lighting storm created!闪电风暴已经生成! 苏联矿车war miner is。

4、officialese 官样文章,公文用语 prese 医预调,调整,预定的,预置的 siamese 暹罗人语,暹罗猫 sociologese 以艰涩等为特征的社会学特有用语,社会学家特有的写作风格 telegraphese 电报文体,电文体。

5、超时空转换Telegraphing troops arriving in 5,4,3,2,1,Reinforcements have arrived!传送部队到达倒记时5,4,3,2,1,援军到达! 任务版闪电风暴lighting storm created!闪电风暴已经生成!苏联矿车war miner is here。

6、超时空转换Telegraphing troops arriving in 5,4,3,2,1,Reinforcements have arrived传送部队到达倒记时5,4,3,2,1,援军到达 任务版闪电风暴lighting storm created闪电风暴已经生成苏联。

[telegraphing翻译]view in telegram翻译

7、Do you know the telegraph operator pving over the way 你认识住在路对面的那个报务员吗The telegraph operator was right 报务员说的一点不错Because of his quickness and hard work , he was soon。

8、2 after succeeding in landing on George Island, the captain to command method of a wireless telegraph3 and he is determined to continue his experiment, but this time he will use another way to do4 when。


[telegraphing翻译]view in telegram翻译

10、电报telegraph电冰箱 fridge电池battery电话打电话 phone=telephone电话打电话给 telephone电话传呼机 beeper电脑,计算机 computer电视机 TV电梯云雾消散 lift电影film电影movie电影院电影 cinema电子的 electronic电子邮件 email。

11、Abstract Humor and development of language itself and the internal laws of the relevant context Linguists had different perspectives on humor research, which Gricean principle of cooperation put forward by the。

12、buoy n湖, 河等中的浮标, 浮筒, 救生圈 vt使浮起, 支撑, 鼓励 特殊用法acetylene buoy 乙炔浮标 acousticbuoy 音响浮标 anchor buoy 下锚浮标 approach buoy 进口浮标archorage buoy 系泊浮筒 automatic。

13、1 Please tell me the truth2 Have you found your suitcase?3 We will try our best to complete the work4 Let#39s try5 The driver drove the car into the post last week好就请采纳。

14、Reengineering of grain handling in the 1850s was caused by technological and institutional changes that accompanied the invention of the telegraph 1844 and the expansion of the railway1850年期间,伴随着电报的。

15、but also to the tremendous impact The turmoil in the sun a few hours in the United States and the European telegraph line of the phenomenon of simultaneous shortcircuit, and thus lead to a lot of fire。



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